Monday, October 8, 2007

Back Door whispering in my ear.......

Okay if you haven't figured it out Serenity23 is my line sister, my back door and it was her that motivated me to began blogging. Occasionally she poses these questions on her blog about this that and another and I am feel its the responsible thing to do is to respond so on her last blog this is what she proposes. Just a side note, I thinks she is fucking with me, reading my mind, or something cause this is truly some sick timing.

1. Do you know what your purpose is?
UGH no, I tried to do Rick Warren's book a purpose driven life but I just didn't finish it.....I wonder sometimes weather I made a wrong turn back there and have completely missed my purpose and this is as good as it gets......Oh the humanity (I cry if it is).

2. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Oh so many things. (a) Politician like Lt. Governor of Arkansas or Vice-President not in charged but close to being in charged I wanted POWER but no RESPONSIBILITY....LOL!!! (b) Ab attorney cause I thought that would be cool and people said that would be good for me cause as a child I saw things differently, asked a bunch and talk a lot. (c) Archaeologist- I loved history and wanted to dig in Egypt and find cool artifacts (not like Indiana Jones) something more serious and respected. (d) Psychologist cause I just believe the human mind is fascinating and I could really help people. (e) Sociologist cause I love to watch people and study them I have a friend and we have people in our lives that we call "case studies" and we truly sit and discuss them from top to bottom, inside out. (f) Robotic Engineer-I loved the thought of creating something that could help people and I love building and mechanical stuff.

3. Is that what you are now?
I am an attorney...and that is truly by the grace of God.....As for the other things when I got to college I was intimidated by the curriculum (okay I was just lazy and didn't want anything to hard, so I majored in Information Systems Decision Science....LOL!!!) Most of these disciplines were in the Arts and Science College and you had to take at least 2 years of a foreign language and that just wasn't for me. I took 2 years of Spanish in high school and all I developed was a dislike for Spanish speaking people, I am not sure if it was its presentation or what and I only new that Spanish on a college level would only expose me to being in the Clock Tower with a riffle so I passed and went with ISDS.

4. What people in life did you admire?
I admired Flo-Jo (cause I thought I was going to be a track star, not the Olympics or anything but maybe just college scholarship or something (okay I quit track like my Jr. year in High School but I started loosing interest my sophomore year when my coach put me on hurdles. My mother to this day I am terrified of having kids cause I don't think I will be half the mother my mother was and anything less the perfect (being my mom) is unacceptable and unfair to my children. MJW- she is a woman who is at my old church she is full of wisdom and knowledge she has lived a Christian life and she is someone I want to be like when i grow up. Ms.Pochoo- she was this woman in my old church who i just thought was the greatest she use to sing this song "If anybody ask you who I am...." and tear the house down. I love her voice, her spirit she was real, I remember her talking about her days in the clubs and how she would be after drinking whiskey and say it was like the table would say "Get up her come on and get up her and dance" she was so honest and truthful about her walk, she would say I ain't always been in the church. I just loved that about her.

5. What were you created for?
Not really sure I think I may be in the boot camp phase of my creation and hopefully if I stay (get) diligent over what I have now the Lord will bless me with more. I believe what I am doing now is what am suppose to be doing. Cause as much as I hate it I still have a peace, as much as i want to quit I still come back each day.

1 comment:

Serenity3-0 said...

I'm not reading your mind. Someone else said that this week as well. I just write what's on my mind and if it fits, you must acquit... LOL! Just kidding. Everything leads us to our purpose, watch adn see.. And I think now I will have to go back and write today more about my purpose. Oh and when you sign your name in my comments, link your blog so more folks can stop by...