Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The down side of Government Employment

Let me first say, I am truly thankful for my job. I enjoy what I do and the people I work with (for the most part).

So I am sitting at my desk planning my escape. Now there are some ups and downs of government employment, today would be the now...WHY IN THE HELL AM I AT WORK ON CHRISTMAS EVE...what productivity do they think is gonna happen today. So far i got to work late, paid my bills (cause they deposited my check early), feed my face, sign some affidavits and help one person with a ticket, ugh yeah and I have done that in like an hour. I mean I could actually do some more work, but WHY...its Christmas Eve and I am trying to get to my mama. (did i mention she is coming back with me).

So yesterday I left work supper early (perk of government employment), and went home and washed clothes, had a balanced meal (meatloaf, carrots, green beans and mash potatoes), cleaned my house (swept my floors and porch and stairs), washed the locks (now I have bouncing curls, we will see how long that lasts), packed and talked to my family on the phone. O I just thought about something I need to do. return some movies (I may not because they are in my car and if i go to my car i am leaving). So I just renewed them and i will return them when i get back. (yeah i know that's lazy).

What else as i was paying bills and writing checks I realized i am going home with only check I could run home and get some more and pay my rent and maybe even drop of these darn movies, but nope. my low fuel light is on and it says i can go like 43 more miles that's more than enough to get across the bridge and get some gas. Mind you I could walk to my house, but I ain't. I think i am going to go look at my boss and be like "do you need me"?

Other than that I am kinda excited about going home and being with my peeps. so i will talk to you all later....going to see if i can give my boss the look and see if he will send me home.

God Bless...Merry Christmas!!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas revisited.

I really want to be consistent about my blogging but its just so hard. I have started teaching a new class but we have a 2 week winter break, good in that breaks are always good and bad in that this would have been only the second week and now the class will go into March. Today was a pretty good day. Guess what, my "lil girl" (my mother) is going to come and visit me. I know that sounds crazy but my mother doesn't travel. I think in college she only came when it was time to pick me up or time to drop me off. She did surprise me once when I was getting an award (another surprise) in college. She and my boyfriend at the time concocted this little scheme. Well the plan is for me to go home on Christmas Eve, I am going to take Monday and Tuesday off (half a day) that my payback for coming to work in the snow and she is gonna stay, Tuesday Wednesday and go to my progressive New Year's Eve party and to church with me, then Thursday who knows what we will do and Friday I have to work and then I am taking her back home. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I have been here since March and she has yet to visit me.

So back to Christmas. Aretha blogged about some of her Christmas memories. I have several but the 2 that stick out the most are one when I was little and my parents were still together, my grandparents (dad's parents) came over and brought me my first toy box it was red and white I remember piling that thing full of toys. I remember my aunts being, it was so good. My other memory was while I was in college. My mother had one of her employee staying with us that night because she and her son were going to Church with us. I remember she joined church and I stood up front with her. We then went to my play aunts house and open gifts and my mother even had gifts for the girl and her son. I just remember feeling so complete that Christmas, don't really remember what I got, but I just remember filling whole, like I had everything in the world, like if I had died then I would die happy. I think that is why I don't like Christmas, in addition to my mother is a bit overwhelming. I have never had the feeling since....maybe that's what I am in search for a feeling of completeness.

What else is going on. Its cold here and I don't like it, give me 80 degree weather little or no humidity (one can dream its the south humidity year round) and I am a happy camper. Why can't I wear shorts for Christmas (maybe cause I don't own any that should be worn outside the house). Its suppose to warm up to 65 tomorrow.

I am suppose to back a sour cream pound cake for one of the guys on the media ministry, I hope I don' t forget. Have I told you all that I joined the media ministry. The hot guy with the dreads, his schedule has changed so he has to work on Sunday and I haven't been making it consistently to church in the A.M.

Do you know last Friday I got to work at 8:15 and my body wasn't right all weekend. Speaking of the weekend, I went Christmas shopping. I was suppose buy my mother's gifts, and 4 others. I gave myself a talking to (this is all your fault, you know when Christmas is, it never changes 12/25 all the time, so no attitude just go and do your shopping). I was very productive I got my mother what she wanted plus some more Christmas crap, black angels ornaments, a black Santa cookie jar, i lil black girl Christmas singing and some other stuff. My mother believes in having stuff that look like us in the house and as much as a bitch about it, it makes her happy so that's why I do it. and now that i don't live with I am liberated from Christmas.

I think that is enough for now. sorry i didn't have a focus just some randomnesses from me

Happy Holidays if you don't hear from me before the new year.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


There are several people in my life that I call my BFF. There is T-Red, T-Bahn, and M-Ball. I have a friend I refer to as my Road Dawg and then there is my partner in crime-PNC. I have a few other people that I share certain aspects of my life and then there others that are around me that really don't know me. So who knows me the most....that would be M-Ball.
I met M-Ball my senior year in high school in Washington, D.C., we both were participating in Close-Up and we have been friends ever since. We have be through some STUFF. When we met back in 96' I feel in love with him and he the same. I just remember how he spoiled me with attention the week we were in D.C. together. I was so not urban then and he supplied the urban flavor I lacked. He was so 'cultured' he was the first black man I knew that golfed, his dad taught him how and he mother was an African-American history teacher in high school. Well we continued to converse him being (south) Texas and me being in (central) Arkansas. We grew to know one another talking damn near everyday on the phone. The summer after graduation he told his mom for his birthday that he wanted to fly me out to visit him before we both went off to school, he was to school in (north) Texas and I was going to school in (south) Louisiana. So at 17 my mom let me fly off to spend some time with my male friend and his family. It was so weird, it was my first step in my mother showing HOW MUCH she trusted me and my first step into adulthood. I must say that his family was smitten by me and I was smitten by them as well. His dad, his mom, his sister, his little brother, aunts and cousins, they were ALL GREAT!!! I would visit him once again, this time in (north) Texas before I went to college. We were a couple and we loved each other, now how this long distance relationship was gonna work we had no ideal. Well we did school and one day in October I called him and told him I can't do it. I was sure how i was going to miss this good thing up with all the temptations that surrounded me and I didn't want to hurt him that way. So we broke up and he was hurt and didn't want to talk to me. I told him he had X amount of time to get over the hurt but damnit he was going to be my friend. Well he did get over it and we became friends. Next moth it will be 13 years that we have known each other. In those 13 years our friendship has remained pure and intact. When ever i am in a funk i can call him and he makes me feel better. There are times i can call him and not tell him anything is wrong and he knows. We we dated we talked about being/getting married and even after we broke up we said if at 23 (cause in our minds that was old) we weren't married then we would get married, well at 23 we moved it to 30 and now at thirty i think we have moved it to 40. I love M-Ball with all my heart and I wish I could take aspects of our relationship and impose them into interactions I have with men. M-Ball understands me when i am being crazy, guarded whatever. He knows the why behind most of my actions and the response usually before i give it. It is my yang and I am his yin. He completes me and I complete him.
So why aren't we together you may ask. Since we have broken up we have never been ready for one another. I have so many issues and if you haven't figured it out, one of them is daddy issues. M-Ball reminds me a lot of my father and the just ain't cool. He is very laid back and nonchalant about things, he hardly gets worried or frazzled about anything and I am the polar opposite. We approach the business of life differently. I have always said that if I were to get married I would want to marry someone who could take care of me and handle my business. Not in a gold digger kind of way but in a way in which I would never have to worry or second guess. I know that he would try his damnest to do for me, but if the way in which he handles his life and business in any indication...NO DEAL!!! i would be in a nut house if i turned it all over to him.
Why am i talking about M-Ball today, we spent about 2 hours on the phone last night just talking and he reminded me of a lot of things and that next month would be 13 years of friendship. I can't think of a pair of shoes, jeans, car, shirt anything that I have kept for 13 years. I have friends that I have known longer but I can't say that each year that goes by we have become closer, for the most part our friendship only grows when we are around each other and lately I haven't been making time for my friends.
Lately I have been thinking about marriage/spending the rest of my life with someone/etc. I don't know if i can do it, if I have to patience to let a relationship grow like this one has. I think I would rush it, but to much pressure on it to be something that its not, demand compliance and be overbearing and not forthcoming with my feelings.

on another note Dr. Q has been deleted. I called him on several occasion prior to Thanksgiving to no avail, then the day before Thanksgiving I get a text saying not to think he is avoiding me he is having a personal crisis. I send him a message on Thanksgiving wishing him a happy thanksgiving. I called him the Sunday after Thanksgiving while i was driving response. and yesterday I called him and he said that he would call me right back....I am still waiting on that call. So based on that he has been deleted. You all know I hate feeling neglected and abandoned (yeah another issue I have). So to end this on a positive note, I have just deleted him and if he wants to talk to me he'll have to call me or if he just randomly crosses my mind months from now I may check in on him but for right now....DELETED!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fair vs. Consistent

When I was in Girls' State back in high school, different girls who wanted to be elected for different position ran and were asked a couple of questions. (I was elected President Pro Tem) Who of the questions that always stuck out in my mind was "Is it more important to be fair or consistent". Thank goodness I was never asked this question. I initially thought they were one in the same but has I work in the Court I see that they are not. I truly believe that it is more important to be consistent. Who's surprised by that. I am such a black/white kinda person I don't do gray. I mean either it is or it isn't not a "well kinda". With my job, I ask people do you want to plead guilty or not guilty and they respond can I tell you what happen. That just burns me up, its so non-responsive to my question. So I tell them no, really at this point I don't care what happened I just want to know if you want to plead guilty or not guilty. If you want to tell your side of the story that's what trials are for. I can't make a decision on what you did, I wasn't there. If you want a trail then you would have to plead not guilty to and we will try to get all parties involved so that the judge can decide what happened. So what do you want to do. They usually look at me crazy after I say all that but in my mind its a simple question guilty/not guilty. Either you did it or didn't and if there are some things that need to be heard/said then lets try it.
I hate to hear people say the justice system is flawed. I am not gonna say its perfect but in my mind its the people that make it flawed. When you have judges that are elected, who get large contributions from attorney's its kinda hard to no believe that these judges once elected forget those who have invested in them. Even those individuals that aren't elected are "invested" in as well.
So back to fair vs. consistent. I think its more important to be consistent. Its the exceptions that get people in trouble. If everyone that treated the same regardless of reason than no one can complain that they weren't treated fairly. I remember when I was in college I was Commissioner of Elections for Student Government, which meant I ran all the elections in the spring and fall. This election I had to disqualify a number of people for failure to turn in expense reports. Some turned them in but they weren't on the forms provided, some just didn't turn them in all together. Well before I announced the results of the elections. I made an announcement that all expenditure reports needed to be submit, as per the election code on the forms provided and those who have not need to do so prior to announcing the results, which I would be doing in XX minutes if you need a new form we have some up front. Well some people complied but there were some who didn't and so I disqualified them. I remember one of the person disqualified was a guy who later became a "friend". He failed to turn his report in because he was sick and at home sleep from all the medication (over-the-counter) he had taken. I got so much flack for not making and exception for him but in my mind that's where the problems start when you make an exception for one person. He failed to turn his report in prior to the announcing of the results, just like those who decided they were going to make there own forms and submit them as a ticket, they all were disqualified. At first blush it may seem unfair or harsh, but it was consistent and no one can say I was showing favoritism or making exceptions for one and not the other.
And to this day I loose respect for those who aren't not consistent and who make decisions based on emotion and there perception of fairness. WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHATS FAIR?

I am sure you have already guessed that I must have had another shitty day at work.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Am I a bad person because I don't like Christmas?

Me and Christmas...I don't know what it is about Christmas. Actually I take that back its a couple of things about Christmas. The first is my mother. She LOVES Christmas. Have you ever been around someone who loves something so much it becomes a couple turn off. Well that's one thing that makes he "ewh" about Christmas. She inundated me with everything Christmas from the day after Thanksgiving when I have to pull the tree(s) yes that is plural she has 3 Christmas trees to some day in January after we have done the after Christmas shopping for the next year.

PSA---sorry I am at work and I got interrupted with some bullshit.....Okay I get a call from a victim saying she wants to tell me what really happened. I pull the files (all 4 of them) and they are yellow which tells me they are domestic abuse battery. I look at the one from Christmas last year I look in the file and its not a domestic abuse battery its actually a battery on a police officer and 4 counts of resisting. So in actuality this mother fucker has only 3 domestic abuse battery. the silly hoe calls to tell me none of this this is the same bitch that told me in court it was a in the hell do you misunderstand getting choked, hit with a box and hit in the face to where you face is bruised? Well I go to my boss to tell him that I want to handle these and that he this jackass needs to got to jail. He's, I have been looking for these, XYZ attorney handles these and he has 2 files in district court that were just reduced to disturbing the peace and we are gonna probably work something out on these, I am like he needs to plead guilty to the one where he choked her, battery on the police officer and maybe the other one where he hit her in her face. You know with this mother fucker says...he'll get revoked if he does that...when in the hell did we start caring if people go to jail. If they commit a crime isn't that where they are suppose to be? I am to through...don't tell me that domestic abuse is something our office takes serious when you have a defendant that with 3 domestic abuse charges and 2 in district court and a battery on a police officer...this is bullshit.

I will have to tell you all about Christmas later....I am to mad.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My mind is running a mile a minute

I am come to a realization, the reason I don't blog is because when I have something to say my mind is racing so that by the time I sit down to type it all out I am exhausted. But I will try and catch you all up on the ongoing. I will work back.

Right now I am sitting in my bed after taking a 3-4 hour nap, why you may ask. I am not sick, not medically anyway. I am sick of my job. Not really my job, just my work environment. So let me tell you what happened TODAY! Okay first of all I was late for work but that really didn't matter. Why because the "judge" didn't take the bench until 9:30ish. Well first of all I get to court about 10 mins late (9:10) the other attorney I work with was getting on the elevator as I was getting off. He was like the judge isn't on the bench yet. So I go into court to see if there is anything I can do, there isn't. So I remember that I need to fill out my time sheet since I took a day off. I go to our office manager and start filling the paper work out, as I am doing it people are all running to the window to see this 18-wheeler that has partially flipped over, and is being held up by a tree branch. Now here comes my first aggravation. Well one of the cars that was in potential of being crushed was this girl who works in the Clerk of Court's office. I first aggravation is that she shouldn't be parked there in the first place and she doesn't get tickets when her meter runs out WHY because her dad is a police officer. Now I wouldn't dare park at one of these meters, even though I can dismiss my own tickets (not that I would). How does this girl have all these breaks to go pay the meter every 2 hours and has never gotten a ticket. That's just not right to me. I am sure you are thinking why do I care, I don't know. Part of the reason is that I don't really care for her and I think the other reason its so hypocritical. When enforce traffic violations and this girl is getting over because right in front of the court house. I second aggravation came when I got in court. We were going through the docket and I will admit I am probably one of the "harder" prosecutors, which is why most defense attorney's don't want to discuss cases with me. My position is let's try it, fuck all this talking and back and forth, lets just try the damn thing. Hell, I wasn't there, you weren't there we don't know what happened, so that's why the judge gets paid the big bucks let them figure it out. Well that never really works because you have so many attorney's that don't try cases. Why, because it doesn't make money. Then the public defenders I work with are just plum ridiculous. I have this older gentleman that is so damn annoying who wants to try everything, then the rest of the staff is trying to get out of there. So as for today I have several cases (okay I normally don't talk law but today I am). In my court we have 1 year to prosecute cases once we have "file a bill of information" and we have 2 years to institute prosecution (which means "file a bill of information"). Now when a bench warrant is issued (usually because they have failed to come to court) the time stops and we get a year from the day the bench warrant is recalled. The same happens when the defendant asks for a continuance. However, when the court continues a case or when the city continues a case time continues to run. So the first jackass of the day. The jackass has 3 files, a possession of marijuana, domestic abuse battery and a simple battery. The marijuana was from 01' and he had 3 bench warrants, the domestic abuse battery from 02' and he had had 2 bench warrants and the simple battery from 08' not bench warrants. So the defense attorney tells me that on the simple battery (which I have a victim present) and the marijuana he is going to ask for a continuance and as to domestic abuse battery it would be a city continuance because our victim isn't present. So I call the matter up say the city is asking for its second continuance in the domestic violence matter and the defense wants to continue (oh I forgot he had a traffic ticket as well) all of his other matters. So the ad hoc judge says city second continuance denied, I ask that the Court take into consideration that the defendant has had 3 bench warrants. He says that our request is denied and he will grant the defense continuances. I say judge if that is the courts rational that these bench warrants are in fact defense continuances and you are not granting our continuances we would ask that you apply the same rationale to the defense request, he has had 2 bench warrants in that matter and this would be in essence another continuance at there request and as to the other matter we have a witness present and the defendant has a history of not coming to Court we ask that that continuance be denied as well, the city is prepared for trial. Well needless to say the ole bitch ass public defender got mad (he had previously made the statement that he didn't have time for trial cause he had things to do). So he takes all the files (the public defender) and goes and talks with the defendant, I in the meantime try and get my officers and dope together. He comes back and I ask him what is his client going to do, he responds in a bitch ass voice "I know where to find you". Well the matters (possession of marijuana, cause I will have to dismiss the domestic abuse battery because the victim isn't present and the simple battery is being continued) are in a posture for trial. Now I have our investigator and my colleague trying to get the officer to court, he's a no show. Today is his off day and he is no where to be found, so I have to dismiss the case now.
Asshole #2- he decides to represent himself, he has two files of Domestic Abuse battery. 1 from 2006 and the other from 2008. Asshole #2 enters into an agreement with our office and pleads guilty to one and we dismiss the other. Well at some point after pleading guilty he decides this isn't what he wants to do and the judge appoints him an attorney and sets the matter for hearing to determine if the guilty plea should be withdrawn. So we get to court today,no motion has been filed and the asshole says that the reason he wants to withdraw is plea is because he didn't know what he was pleading guilty to (now I already told you he had 2 of the same charges), now just so you know Domestic Abuse Battery is a mandatory 10 days in jail. Now his PD is saying he wasn't properly Boykin (explained his rights) and that our office denied him his right to an attorney because now he says he told our office that he wanted an attorney. Now I explained the time limitations to you. The file that we actually plead to was from 06' which means we have until 08' to prosecute and the one that was dismissed was from 08' however I am not sure if we can prosecute that one as well. So the "judge" initially said he wasn't going to grant it, then he said he was going to pass it then he in the end granted it. Now I was pissed, for many reasons (1) this asshole knew what he was doing, he just didn't want to go to jail; (2) no motion has been filed; (3) we can't prosecute this case (one of them at least) because time has run. Now about the prescription of the case the judge goes on to say that there is no prescription issuers and then ask the PD is there a prescription matter and if there is you will waive it. i was furious. because one you can't make such a BOLD statement, you can't waive prescription that is malpractice at its best, and its just inflammatory. I left work after we finished.
Now I am sure you are say F22 you are taking this to personal and maybe I am. I have come to realized that I can't stand laziness, incompetence, lack of structure, and the list goes on. I took this job for trial experience I hardly get any the bitch ass PD I was telling you about has yet to try a case, the old cantankerous man is the only person that will try is his antagonist ass. I took this job to prosecute defendant accused of crimes not to push Popper, reward them for having multiple files by offer plea deals, beg police offers to come to court, and the list goes on. I need a work environment that is structure with consequences/repercussions, bosses/supervisor who support/mentor/evaluate your performance. I want to be surrounded by competent individuals that push me to be on top of my game. I mean right now I have no shame in coming to work late leaving early or whatever. I just hate all this damn loosey goosey shit. I am gonna end on this note.