Monday, April 21, 2008

Let's see....

I think the last time I blogged i was living in the port city and I just bought my new car. Well a lot has happen since December. (1) I have moved, (2) my father lost his mind and well I think between those two I think that's enough.

Well as you may remember my father was staying with my mother and I, because he wanted a fresh start (yeah at49 my father is still trying to get his life together) but for some reason he could leave this woman completely alone. Now let me say i have never liked her. My first impression of her was that she was loud, ghetto and so damn inappropriate but whatever I didn't have to leave with her I was just visiting and would be back home in less than a week. But now that he was here its a little different. Well after Christmas I let me dad use my car with the understanding that he would pay the insurance and any maintenance. however, it did need some work so the first service i would split half with him. So we get the car fixed and the next weekend he is going to Dallas so he can fly out and go see her (needless to say I haven't seen a dime). well he get back and all is well so I think and then the weekend of super bowl comes. Well that Saturday we are just have a gay ole' time we chat and talk about what he is gonna do for the super bowl, so I go to the grocery store and when i get back he is no where around no big deal. So Sunday my mom and i get up to go to church and we see him and we leave. We get back from church and he is nowhere around (no big deal) it is super bowl Sunday. So i go to bingo and come home around 9 or 10 no sight of my father okay. so Monday morning comes and still no sight of my father. Well I get home from work on Monday and his jobs number is on our caller id.... I get a little worried and so I call him and he returns my call Tuesday morning and is like oh i am just hanging out....(what the hell I haven't seen you since Sunday its 2 days later and your job called her and what this is why i don't have kids.....) So i express my concern thinking okay he is gonna show is black ass up today....and nothing so Wednesday comes around and 7:00 am his job calls all frantic about him not being at work and there being a big accident on the interstate and what way does he come to work...(now in my head I am think that I can't tell these people my father is home and i haven't seen him since Sunday and I have no earthly idea what is going on with him. So my mother and I are calling him and calling him trying to figure out what the hell is going. so he calls my mom back and is like I am in the hospital. WTF!!! and Yvette is here: Now this is where I provide my list of reasons why I don't like here:
1.) like I said when i met her i thought she was loud inappropriate and ghetto.
2.) she has AIDS (not that i hate people with AIDS)- hell i think i can say this cause if you go on Oprah it ain't no secret
3.) she is a silly hoe- she allowed my father to put one of her daughters out of there home because he said that she disrespected him (i think any woman who chooses a man over her kids is a silly hoe)
4.) she is irresponsible- ghetto lifestyle like here daughter has gold (yes i said gold) braces but she is getting evicted from every place she lives
5.) she has a bench warrant
6.) she disrespected my mother and I
So I think that is a good start. So no my father is sitting up in the hospital (mind you the same damn hospital he works in) nobody has been contacted (now i did tell silly hoe she couldn't call our house ever again) not even his sister who lives/works around the corner from this hospital, his best friend. These dumb ass mother fuckers are sitting up in the hospital not gonna say a damn thing. and this silly hoe doesn't think to call a sole. So i call him and express my disappointment so I get up there and she is there looking all stupid. So i ask for my car keys and he is like how am i gonna get home. my response is call me I will come and get you (cause what the hell do you need a car for you are in Critical Care and it makes no sense to have my vehicle just sitting up here and when you get out you want be in any condition to drive and I know this bitch isn't driving my car). So then he tells me that my car has issues WTF!!! it didn't when i saw you on Sunday what happened.....So I get my car key and take the car and leave my new car. So I finally get both cars home and go to visit him..... Now by this time my aunt is there and she is worried about him. So the nurse is checking on him and is asking about his wife and i am looking real stupid cause his wife is back in California and what not. So i am pissed again cause you good and damn well that this woman is not your wife and don't be putting me in the middle of this shit and i sure as hell ain't lying for you. So I get home and I call his wife just to let her know that he is in the hospital but that the silly toxic hoe is here. Cause she was gonna come but when i told her that she was like i don't do drama. I was like i don't think coming would be a great ideal, but i just wanted you to know. so Thursday comes and goes and I don't go see him cause i am still disgusted by the situation. so my mom tells me that he wants his mail so Friday i go take him his mail before i go to work and to see how he is doing. so we are sitting there and i am asking him questions and he is really short with me so silly hoe comes in and he lights up like a damn Christmas tree. now to demonstrate how silly this hoe is my father is in critical care with pneumonia, he has half a lung and is on breathing treatments. What does she show up with got damn pollen infested flowers and a stuffed animal...hell she may have just brought in some ragweed and i leave and stop by the nurses station to find out who the contact person is because his wife has been asking about his status. So the nurse is so thankful because this could be a potential liability issue if they don't contact the appropriate people regarding his health. So as i am leaving i call my mom who isn't answering. so i get to my car and she calls me back and in that motherly you in trouble voice she says...."WHAT ARE YOU UP THERE DOING, YOUR DAD JUST CALLED AND SAID THAT YOU ARE MAKING HIS LIFE A LIVING HELL". SO i am pissed and i go back to his room and cuss him out and tell him about some of my issues with him from when i was a child and what not. he kicks me out of his room the nurse ask me to leave and that's the last time i speak to my sperm donor....well a few days later i get a call offer me a job in the Capitol city and i jump on it. I moved here the beginning of march and moved into my place about 2 weeks later so far so good. I will have to blog more cause i need the therapy.


Serenity3-0 said...

I can't believe all of this. He's dealing wtih a woman who has HIV and is ok with this??????????? I really hope he's not still staying at your mom's place. Pls tell me he isn't.

Anonymous said...

*waving* Came over here via S30.
I also suffer from neverupdateblogitis lol

Whew that some story! His girlfriend was on Oprah? Was it the episode where there were 5 or 6ladies discussing their HIV status?

Anonymous said...

*waving* Came over here via S30.
I also suffer from neverupdateblogitis lol

Whew that some story! His girlfriend was on Oprah? Was it the episode where there were 5 or 6ladies discussing their HIV status?

Anonymous said...

*waving* Came over here via S30.
I also suffer from neverupdateblogitis lol

Whew that some story! His girlfriend was on Oprah? Was it the episode where there were 5 or 6ladies discussing their HIV status?