The process as been somewhat interesting.... (1) was the financing I went to my credit union first and they said they could only finance 90% of the purchase.....WTF!!! that's the craziest shit I had ever heard. So then I went to my insurance company and they said they could do it but for 7.89% (somewhat high, I know) but it was cool I was paying the car off early and wasn't gonna use the max. amount I was approved for. (2) find the vehicle, now I must tell you that I pretty much have been stalking the market since last year. My initial choices were between Camry, Accord, Grand Prix, Fusion. I breifly got distracted by the Audi, Volvo and Saab. I mentioned to my S23 that I was gonna purchase a new car and she suggested I read Millionaire next door, which I did and that's when I decided I was not going to spend more than a millionare spends on a car the average millionare spends about $23,000 on a vehilce, so those were my price range was going to be $23,000 but not to exceed $25,000 after tax title and license. I wanted a 2007 Ford Fusion with a V6 engine and a moon roof. As I looked more I decided that i wanted leather seating...Now for those that don't know I am driving a 2001 Ford Escort with manual windows, manual looks, radio with tape deck, no special options, but I love Ziggy. But I felt I have worked hard, been financially responsible and I deserved some perks.....So I went online and I emailed all the dealership in the state that had the vehicle with the options I wanted. I waited impatently for them to respond. Some did and others did, and ohters probably should not have. I intially did not provide my full name just my first initial and last name, they thought I was a man until i mistakenly sent a email back with my full name. Well as we are talking one dealer ask for my address so he can compute the taxes. okay for thouse that don't know if dealers have to vital "points" of information on you they can pull your information and decide how much you should pay (at least that's my theory), so I politely emailed him back as why he needed my full address s0 he could do a tax watch, I googled tax watch and found nothing in relationship to purchasing a vehicle, I told him that all the other dealers just needed my parish of residency why does he need my full addy and what is a tax watch, I a still waiting for his answer. Well last week I narrowed my searh down to 5 and did a drive by at the 2 lots that had these vehicles, at which point i narrowed it down to 2 one at each lot. Now one had a navigation system it was really nice but they didn't want to sell it to me in my price range. The other was like okay we can do this, after I explained to them I was aware of the invoice price, and laught and the suggestion that I was going to pay the MSRP for a vehicle and for a vehicle at teh end of the year. Now the invoice price was really easy to get I just to Edmunds and built the car based on the window sticker from the dealers website. Well so the my first choice the black one fell through and so on Monday I called the #2 Dealer and said I want to buy my car today, I have filled out my credit application online so if you can beat my current intrest rate you can finance me. Now I had spoken with my insurance company and told them that I was purcasing my car and I needed a check (it was about 3:50) and they closed at 5:00 so I told the dealer to fax the information over so they would have it, plus I need to go pay my insurance on my new vehicle and drop full coverage on my old vehicle all before 5pm. I get to the dealership at 4pm and this is were i started to get pissed. She sits me down in her office, we exchange pleasantries (because this is our first meeting, we have only communicated by internet and one phone call before i came) and then she starts asking me question, my name, my address, how much money do I make. I am like WTF, she says we have to fill the application out because she needs a hard copy (even though i have been approved already online) all i wanted to know was the interest rate. So I start to get pissed then she hands me a HIPPA form which pretty much says that they are gonna sell my information (HELLFUCKNO) then she goes to teh sales manager as he plays with his co-workers and takes his sweetasstime. oh I am steaming.....cause i thought I was gonna get there and find out the interest rate and say yeah or nay and sign some papers and get the fuck out. So I sit there, and she can see that iam boiling
I am started this earlier last week but i decided to just post it.
Where is the rest of this post and the rest of the story?????????????
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