Monday, April 28, 2008

12 hours of sleep

Man I haven't done that since like high school....everyone has there thing. some people like shopping, some people like reading, some like cooking my thing is sleeping. I truly enjoy it and loath anyone who comes between it on a continous basis. When i was in high school i functioned on 10 hours of discussion and if i went to many days in a row with out my 10 hours there was hell to pay. in college i was the queen of naps and power naps if i had a hour of free time trust me i was naping. even my college boyfriend new about me and naps i told him this was bonding. We both worked on campus and would be done about 5 he would come over to my place and he would watch the news while holding me and i would be good and sleep. Around 7 we would eat and do homework and what not and go to bed and start our day over again. in graduate school for lunch i would go home eat lunch and take a power nap. I use to me occupy time with this guy in grad school and he new the ropes we would talk a little and i would pass out and get up and study and do things i needed to do. He said i slept like a pregnant woman what ever. Well one summer I did get checked because there would be mornings i could not get out of bed i just couldn't move. My mother is severly anemic so I had some blood work done and lo and behold the reason i sleep so much is medical i have thalsemia trait, nothing serious but i do have to make sure i eat more green vegetables to insure my iron intake. Well any that is not what my blog to be about.

This weekend I went to Houston to visit my best friend from college. Her husbands fraternity were celebrating 25 years...and they were hosting the bbq. so i went and had a ball. so my blog is based on my observations of two my my good friends relationships.

this week and last week.

LAST WEEK- i was hijacked (not kidnapped but hijacked)- my friend among my friends she is our role model, she is just "perfect" we so want to be like her when we grow up. She was the first of my friends to get married and so i some what saw this relationship develop. Well anyway her husband and I are in the same profession and the local black professionals were having a gala, which she invited me to and i told her i WAS NOT going. so i thought that was the end of our discussion. well she lives about an 1.5 away from me and she calls me and says my husband are i are on our way to the gala and we will pick you up at 8.WTF!!!! so i throw somethign together and i get picked up. Now i use to think that when people get married they lose themselves and become a shell of who they use to be. And i never wanted to lose my identity and what makes me me so marriage was not for me. Well watching them its like tag team (yes i use to be a WWF fan) it like magic. They work off each other, its like a well orcherstrated plan. so we get there and of course we are late and we get to our table. the husband grabs up drinks and after he brings up drinks we "break" he goes and visits the people he knows and she mingles wiht the other wives and people she knows. he would occasionally come and check on us but not in a hovering or sufficating manner. but htey are both working the room. so as the people leave and the night comes to an end they reconverge he with a man and she with his wife and believe it or not they have worked the entire room. so they had some goals (which i want disscuss) and as we are back in the limo they 'debrief' and have accomplished what they set out to do.

I went to visit my best friend. I have known this girl since my freshman year in college and when i say we have been through alot i mean ALOT. I remember when she first saw her husband and i remember there first date all of it so to see them tag team was like poetry. My best friend is the hostest with the mostest anyway but with her husband in tow they are AMAZING. now prior to the Bbq she planned it to the T. and issued out assignments for some reason the kid even fell into place. so he is on the grill she's in the house and they are wowing the guest. At the end of the party everyone is happy, drunk and full. and they have just pulled off another great event......TAG TEAM BACK AGAIN

okay i know you are like FREESPEECH 22 wtf...i am believing that you can be you 100% and your mate and be them at 100% and it all works well together. that's what i want someone who completes me and i complete them (J.maquire)

okay i am hungry i am going to lunch now.

1 comment:

Serenity3-0 said...

Man, I love a good bbq! I'm glad they made you get out of the house. And sorry, we'll have to meet for drinks on Monday or Tuesday. Or maybe dinner Tuesday when i come in town..