Friday, May 2, 2008

a little overwhelmed...

Man I am tired as hell and my weekend doesn't seem to offer any relief.... Tonight I am going a jewelry/fun party that one of my classmates is hosting then tomorrow i have been invited to a derby day party and a gala and Sunday is church....speaking of church let me vent some about my church experience yesterday.

I have been visiting the same church since I moved back to the Capitol City. Which has been about 2 months now. I go to bible study on Tuesday and church on Sunday (depending on the day i may got to the 5 o'clock service as well). Now I have been in church all my life, I know Jesus as my personal Saviour, I believed that he was born of a virgin, walked the earth teaching and preach, was crucified and resurrected. I also know the "business" of the church and how church people can be. I have been that overly active/passionate person and i know how church people can hurt your feelings and steal your passion and joy. So with that being said, yesterday I decided i was going to join this church. I knew I wasn't gonna do it when the "open the doors of the church" I just wanted to stop by let them know i wanted to be a member give them my contact info and be done. yes i know this is a very nontraditional approach but hey I figure i am old enough to determine how I am going to experience church and I want strictly teaching and preaching and i will contributed when i can. i ain't joining no ministry, i ain't joining no committee, i ain't coming to no meeting, i ain't volunteering for nothing. I just want to work on me, i want to be taught the word of God and i want to learn with treasures the bible holds....that's it. Now with that being said if you need something call me if i can do i will if i can't i will tell you. but i ain't coming to a meeting for you to discuss who is gonna bring what and do XYZ, just call me and say Sister Freespeech we need 3 cases of water for the kids lock-in on Friday and my response will be I can't help you this time or I will drop off 1-3 cases Friday during my lunch break, BUT a whole meeting to discuss who bring what and doing what I WILL PASS.
Well anyway I decide to stop by the church (unannounced) to see if i can join church. When i get there the church secretary (I guess that's who she was) comes to the door. I say "Can I join church?" She says you don't want to do it on Sunday? my soliloquy- now if i was in need of true salvation, i didn't know the Lord and be out in the street running a muck, do you really want to turn me away and suggest i come back on SUNDAY????I think not. So I shake my head no and she says have you ever attended the church. now most people would have been offended by this statement but i wasn't cause i keep to myself i slide in and i slide out. church starts at 8 a.m. and i am usually home and out of my clothes in my bed and on my way to deep comma like state by 10 am. I am usually on e of the first people to leave the parking lot on Sunday. I respond yes I have been visiting since i moved back here in March. Then she says well I am not sure if you can do that do you have minute to wait, cause the Pastor has someone in his office. I say sure I have time. So i wait and then she comes back and hands me a new member's form to fill out (okay now we are getting somewhere) and then she says you may have to meet with a Deacon...I am looking real crazy and thinking WHY???? so then she tells me that i have to attend new member orientation...once again i am looking crazy and thinking WHY??? So i ask her how long the classes are she says it four sessions and she comes back with the booklet, i then ask her is it like New Christian class or New member. She says new member so that you can become familiar with the church and what we i am thinking hell if you'll are doing anything unGodly or against the Bible you need to tell me now, i have been here for the past two months and everything seems to be on the up and up, i mean what if i attend this class if you guys are doing something i don' t like can i change my mind? then she says the classes are about 10 mins after Sunday service (so here she goes trying to get me to stay after church) so i give her the crazy look again and she says well or you can come on Tuesday at 6 before bible study, so i am thinking now if its 4 classes in 10 minutes i think i can kill this in one class and cover all 4 sessions in an hour. So then she says have you ever been to Bible Study i tell her at some point she asks me my name and says that name sounds familiar probably cause i just paid my tithes and my check has my port city addy, she then as me if i know some people in the port city i tell her yes and so i wait. Okay in addition to being unfriendly and anti-social i am impatient. But because I just showed up i knew i wouldn't be seen right away but 45 mins later i couldn't take it (i was trying to give it an hour but i couldn't do it cause in my mind i just wanted my name on the "church roll" and be done with it. I didn't have to introduce myself to the Pastor (cause you know i have been avoiding him for the past two months) this was to be effortless, a little paperwork, a hand shake and I'm out. so I tell the secretary that i am leaving and that i can come back another day, she response you can just catch him after church and you can meet with him and a deacon, my response was what are we gonna do pray or something. her response was why are you so uptight, I told her that i am one of the first people of the parking lot, i am back home and in bed by 10 am......Seriously, why is the woman trying to get me to stay after church, not only that and wait on the pastor, that means after he shakes hands, kiss babies and fellowship with the congregation----UGH!!! NO!! I just tell her that I will come back another time. So she takes my number and i leave. Now you'll know I am through, Tuesday i am gonna go to new member orientation and see what this is about let the lady know i am here, i ain't joining nothing i just want to come to Sunday service and bible study and i have set a goal to attend 7 a.m Sunday School (that's gonna hurt) but the up side is that I will have a parking spot if i can do that.


Serenity3-0 said...

I definitely feel your pain on meetings. However, I just finished attending 12 classes for new members.. 12. Which means each Sunday for 12 sundays for an hour and a half before church I was sitting in class. My graduation is tomorrow and I can't tell you how I'm glad it's over. I said all of that to say, sometimes there are guidelines in place and we just have to take one for the team and get them over with.

Closed Account said...

Wow you need Jesus fast/desperately and to be prayed for with that attitude!!