Ugh yeah that was pretty much my weekend......For those that don't know I love movies and i love history..... SO lets start with the easy...Girlfriends... I have now finished season 1 and 2 of the TV show girlfriends it was pretty good, its a shame i didn't watch the show faithfully while it was on air.
I must say I am fascinated by the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. Not because i am a revolutionary but I am a quasi-anthropologist. I love to learn more about people and different things in addition to being a history dork. A couple of things i found interesting that 2 major figures in the Black panther party have roots in Louisiana, Huey P. Newton (who was named after Huey P. Long) and Fred Hampton (Deputy Chairman of the Illinois party). I also found it interesting that Bobby Rush (Deputy Minister of Defense for the Black Panther Party in Illinois) is now the representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. The movie(s) I watched was the Murder of Fred Hampton and some news reels from the Oakland BPP with interviews of Newton and Cleaver.
Genocide- i am sorry i mean acts of genocide
i watched sometimes in April with was an HBO movie about the Rwanda and the genocide, I sorry acts of Genocide in 1994. Why do i say say genocide, acts of genocide. because in 100 days nearly 800,000 people were killed because of there "ethic" background or there support of a particular "ethnic" background but the UN refused to use the work genocide because if that word was used they would have to intervene and offer aid. So 100 days pasted and bureaucrats argue over a word and who to send the bill to and it was a the people themselves that saved themselves. But I am no scholar just my assessment after watching a few movies on the subject.
yeah random i know but i am gonna try to bring it full circle. Lumumba was the first prime minister of the Congo (Zaire as it was later named) but returned to Congo Republic after Mobutu was overthrown. Who was assassinated.
After watching both of these movies i began to wonder with both of these country being so close together i bet they have something in common. So i watched extra features and did a little research on the Internet just to pacify my curiosity. What I found was that both countries were once colonies of Belgium and after the Congo "declared" independence in t 1960's they elected Lumumba Prime minister and he was later assassinated at the hands of Mobutu who lead the country for over 30 years was overthrown with the help of the Tutsis, which was the group of people in Rwanda that were victims of the genocide who ended the 100 days of killing in Rwanda. Well I JUST LOVE HISTORY!!!!
Okay I went to my first derby day party and it was a great experience though it ended on a sad note the first Philly in like 9 years to run in the Kentucky Derby and she came in second place only to have broken her front ankles and be euthanized on the track. I the winner was Big Brown but to me that wasn't the real story since the trainer had talked so much smack it his

I will keep you posted on the latest developments. I meeting a girl i went to college with for drinks for Cinco De Mayo, so this should be interesting.
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