Sunday, January 18, 2009

My answers

S23- had this post called the interview and these are the question she sent me and my response.

Sorry I am pretty boring.

1. Have you ever gone on a blind date? If so, how'd that turn out?

NO, I think my friends are afraid to hook me up with anyone, cause they know me.

2. Who's that "one that got away?"

UGH, I don’t know. A couple of people come to mind. 1.) Marques- but maybe that was for my own good. It has taken me forever to come that that realization. I didn’t realize until a long time after it was over how manipulative he was, I thought he was the one. We had planned our lives together; I was going to prolong my graduation for another semester, so we could graduate together. We were going to move to St. Louis so he could go to grad school and I would go to law school (I guess or support him while he did grad school). And I would live happily ever after- but then he lost his mind. 2.) Myles- he hasn’t gone anywhere and that’s part of the problem. As much as I love him, I can’t be with him because he doesn’t have follow through. I think he may have finally gotten it, but only time will tell. But he’s still my bestest friend. If I can find a man with his qualities minus the deal breakers it would be so ON. Actually, I think the answer is I haven’t met him, cause for the most part I have open lines of communication with most of the people I have occupied time with and though I may think about them occasionally, I get over it.

3. What hairstyle from the past are you most embarrassed about?

I am pretty conservative and my mother really wasn’t going for anything outrageous. I remember wanting a curl and she was against it. I didn’t get braids for the first time until I was in college. Hell and that’s the only time I have had weave. A freeze when I was in jr. high I had the freeze that was lifted for homecoming and I did finger waves once. Other than that it’s been pretty boring.

4. Who could "get it" anytime/anyplace? (famous or not)

Ugh, I am on The Wire fix right about now so---Stringer Bell, Avon Barksdale, Marlo, Cheese, Bodie, Daniels and the 2 other cops (black guys that worked with Daniels). Let’s just say if the Wire ever has a reunion show I am so the groupie for you.

5. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
My father……..

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