I will try to keep this brief....I have several friends with kids and they send me invites for the birthday which i really don't have a problem with. But I have decided (though i have been guilty of it) is the last thing you kid needs is clothes or some toys. Like I said I have been guilty of it but i try to if i buy toys to buys toys that are educational, but that to is out of the question....I am giving savings bonds. I just sent my first savings bond on the year. So check out Treasury Direct.gov and sign up and alert your friends and family that the last thing Asa (my imaginary child, though if my husband--who to is imaginary, let me i will name our first born) needs is a damn toy or clothes but an investment in there future.
I want my kids (if God sees fit) and my friends kids to be better financially than we were so make investment, true investments in there future (Ed Hardy jeans, jordans are not investments).
Friday, May 16, 2008
There is a reason
I just wanted everyone to know there is a reason I haven't been posting....I am in my first week of online traing to be an online professor and between this and my job and my bestfriend being in time I can't blog like I use to. I have another week of this, then a week off and then 2 weeks agai. I will try to post tidbits but can promise anything lenghty.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Okay this is hard work......
I think I mentioned that I was considering online teaching......well today is my first day of training and I think this ish is going to be hard....or at least challenging cause i have some thing to do everyday..... and i am such a neurotic that i keep thinking that i have forgotten something and i need to do this or that or whatever....i feel like i am in school all over again.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Umm.....lets see!!!
Not much has been happening for me just chillin. I am debating wither i am going home to the port city this weekend or next. i thinking i will go this weekend so for Memorial Day I can just be SUPER LAZY. My weekend was pretty uneventful.... Friday my mom left to go back to the port city, she seems to be doing well without me though i did get a little sad when she left but i was strong, i was a big girl, so all i did after they left was get in the bed and have a beautiful nap. Saturday i went to sorority meeting which wasn't all that bad this time around, we elected new officers so this should make for an interesting 2 years not that i know the people really. and Sunday i went to church....Why do people wish non-mothers Happy mother's day?
I do have a confession...On Sunday the Pastor preached about "potential" the potential that we have and God's plan for us....I truly believed there is "something" for me not sure what it is and not really sure how to prepare for if i can....i do however fear whatever it is. not like i am afraid of it but like..... I do believe to whom much is given much is expected, so i think i am afraid of the responsibility that will come with it....lately more than lately like the past8 years I have been dreading the thought of responsibility and commitment. i don't want to be responsible for anything other than me and commit to anyone or anything other than me and maybe my family (and that's limited). I think i am afraid of disappointing people.....not sure what that is about but now that i have identified it i will work on it..... will try to write more later...
I do have a confession...On Sunday the Pastor preached about "potential" the potential that we have and God's plan for us....I truly believed there is "something" for me not sure what it is and not really sure how to prepare for if i can....i do however fear whatever it is. not like i am afraid of it but like..... I do believe to whom much is given much is expected, so i think i am afraid of the responsibility that will come with it....lately more than lately like the past8 years I have been dreading the thought of responsibility and commitment. i don't want to be responsible for anything other than me and commit to anyone or anything other than me and maybe my family (and that's limited). I think i am afraid of disappointing people.....not sure what that is about but now that i have identified it i will work on it..... will try to write more later...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Wide leg trousers versus skinny jeans.....

Okay let me say I am a fan of wide leg trousers for myself cause skinny jeans on my ain't nothing but denim tights and i got to much body for denim tights...... but actually i am not speaking for myself I am speaking of men.....My friend and i were talking yesterday and she was telling me that she hates to see men in wide leg pants, at first i thought she meant like boot cut jeans but she didn't she meant like wide leg trousers that women wear....I wasn't sure what my position was on wide leg trousers for me so I decided as i was celebrating Cinco de Mayo that I would see such individuals. Well I didn't but what i did see was even worse grown men in skinny jeans WTF!! okay a few post ago i told you all that i like massive men so the site of a man in some skinny jeans just turned my stomach. So while out festivaling i text my friend and tell her about my discover with the skinny jeans and she says she actually likes them. WTF!!! Ugh I guess we are gonna have to agree to disagree on this one because i think i may be a fan of men in wide leg trousers cause it leads me to believe that they may have huge legs underneath and everyone knows i am a sucker for large legs, especially calves.
I did have fun yesterday for cinco de mayo, i met up with a classmate from college and we had a blast. i am ashamed to report that we had 32oz. buckets (yes buckets) of margaritas and i couldn't finish it and fell okay driving....i had to pour it out after i added ice to it to water it down. and once i got home i felt so guilty and hypocritical about drinking and driving. but thank GOD i got home safely and my friend did too.
Monday, May 5, 2008
the ish that comes across my desk...
I was stationed near the Easter Bunny Photo Stage when I observed approximately three males engages in a fistic encounter. What the hell what grown ass men are fighting in the mall near the Easter Bunny........
Black Panthers, Girlfriends, Genocide (or acts of Genocide), Lumumba and Mint Julips
Ugh yeah that was pretty much my weekend......For those that don't know I love movies and i love history..... SO lets start with the easy...Girlfriends... I have now finished season 1 and 2 of the TV show girlfriends it was pretty good, its a shame i didn't watch the show faithfully while it was on air.
I must say I am fascinated by the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. Not because i am a revolutionary but I am a quasi-anthropologist. I love to learn more about people and different things in addition to being a history dork. A couple of things i found interesting that 2 major figures in the Black panther party have roots in Louisiana, Huey P. Newton (who was named after Huey P. Long) and Fred Hampton (Deputy Chairman of the Illinois party). I also found it interesting that Bobby Rush (Deputy Minister of Defense for the Black Panther Party in Illinois) is now the representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. The movie(s) I watched was the Murder of Fred Hampton and some news reels from the Oakland BPP with interviews of Newton and Cleaver.
Genocide- i am sorry i mean acts of genocide
i watched sometimes in April with was an HBO movie about the Rwanda and the genocide, I sorry acts of Genocide in 1994. Why do i say say genocide, acts of genocide. because in 100 days nearly 800,000 people were killed because of there "ethic" background or there support of a particular "ethnic" background but the UN refused to use the work genocide because if that word was used they would have to intervene and offer aid. So 100 days pasted and bureaucrats argue over a word and who to send the bill to and it was a the people themselves that saved themselves. But I am no scholar just my assessment after watching a few movies on the subject.
yeah random i know but i am gonna try to bring it full circle. Lumumba was the first prime minister of the Congo (Zaire as it was later named) but returned to Congo Republic after Mobutu was overthrown. Who was assassinated.
After watching both of these movies i began to wonder with both of these country being so close together i bet they have something in common. So i watched extra features and did a little research on the Internet just to pacify my curiosity. What I found was that both countries were once colonies of Belgium and after the Congo "declared" independence in t 1960's they elected Lumumba Prime minister and he was later assassinated at the hands of Mobutu who lead the country for over 30 years was overthrown with the help of the Tutsis, which was the group of people in Rwanda that were victims of the genocide who ended the 100 days of killing in Rwanda. Well I JUST LOVE HISTORY!!!!
Okay I went to my first derby day party and it was a great experience though it ended on a sad note the first Philly in like 9 years to run in the Kentucky Derby and she came in second place only to have broken her front ankles and be euthanized on the track. I the winner was Big Brown but to me that wasn't the real story since the trainer had talked so much smack it his

I will keep you posted on the latest developments. I meeting a girl i went to college with for drinks for Cinco De Mayo, so this should be interesting.
Friday, May 2, 2008
a little overwhelmed...
Man I am tired as hell and my weekend doesn't seem to offer any relief.... Tonight I am going a jewelry/fun party that one of my classmates is hosting then tomorrow i have been invited to a derby day party and a gala and Sunday is church....speaking of church let me vent some about my church experience yesterday.
I have been visiting the same church since I moved back to the Capitol City. Which has been about 2 months now. I go to bible study on Tuesday and church on Sunday (depending on the day i may got to the 5 o'clock service as well). Now I have been in church all my life, I know Jesus as my personal Saviour, I believed that he was born of a virgin, walked the earth teaching and preach, was crucified and resurrected. I also know the "business" of the church and how church people can be. I have been that overly active/passionate person and i know how church people can hurt your feelings and steal your passion and joy. So with that being said, yesterday I decided i was going to join this church. I knew I wasn't gonna do it when the "open the doors of the church" I just wanted to stop by let them know i wanted to be a member give them my contact info and be done. yes i know this is a very nontraditional approach but hey I figure i am old enough to determine how I am going to experience church and I want strictly teaching and preaching and i will contributed when i can. i ain't joining no ministry, i ain't joining no committee, i ain't coming to no meeting, i ain't volunteering for nothing. I just want to work on me, i want to be taught the word of God and i want to learn with treasures the bible holds....that's it. Now with that being said if you need something call me if i can do i will if i can't i will tell you. but i ain't coming to a meeting for you to discuss who is gonna bring what and do XYZ, just call me and say Sister Freespeech we need 3 cases of water for the kids lock-in on Friday and my response will be I can't help you this time or I will drop off 1-3 cases Friday during my lunch break, BUT a whole meeting to discuss who bring what and doing what I WILL PASS.
Well anyway I decide to stop by the church (unannounced) to see if i can join church. When i get there the church secretary (I guess that's who she was) comes to the door. I say "Can I join church?" She says you don't want to do it on Sunday? my soliloquy- now if i was in need of true salvation, i didn't know the Lord and be out in the street running a muck, do you really want to turn me away and suggest i come back on SUNDAY????I think not. So I shake my head no and she says have you ever attended the church. now most people would have been offended by this statement but i wasn't cause i keep to myself i slide in and i slide out. church starts at 8 a.m. and i am usually home and out of my clothes in my bed and on my way to deep comma like state by 10 am. I am usually on e of the first people to leave the parking lot on Sunday. I respond yes I have been visiting since i moved back here in March. Then she says well I am not sure if you can do that do you have minute to wait, cause the Pastor has someone in his office. I say sure I have time. So i wait and then she comes back and hands me a new member's form to fill out (okay now we are getting somewhere) and then she says you may have to meet with a Deacon...I am looking real crazy and thinking WHY???? so then she tells me that i have to attend new member orientation...once again i am looking crazy and thinking WHY??? So i ask her how long the classes are she says it four sessions and she comes back with the booklet, i then ask her is it like New Christian class or New member. She says new member so that you can become familiar with the church and what we do..now i am thinking hell if you'll are doing anything unGodly or against the Bible you need to tell me now, i have been here for the past two months and everything seems to be on the up and up, i mean what if i attend this class if you guys are doing something i don' t like can i change my mind? then she says the classes are about 10 mins after Sunday service (so here she goes trying to get me to stay after church) so i give her the crazy look again and she says well or you can come on Tuesday at 6 before bible study, so i am thinking now if its 4 classes in 10 minutes i think i can kill this in one class and cover all 4 sessions in an hour. So then she says have you ever been to Bible Study i tell her yes...now at some point she asks me my name and says that name sounds familiar probably cause i just paid my tithes and my check has my port city addy, she then as me if i know some people in the port city i tell her yes and so i wait. Okay in addition to being unfriendly and anti-social i am impatient. But because I just showed up i knew i wouldn't be seen right away but 45 mins later i couldn't take it (i was trying to give it an hour but i couldn't do it cause in my mind i just wanted my name on the "church roll" and be done with it. I didn't have to introduce myself to the Pastor (cause you know i have been avoiding him for the past two months) this was to be effortless, a little paperwork, a hand shake and I'm out. so I tell the secretary that i am leaving and that i can come back another day, she response you can just catch him after church and you can meet with him and a deacon, my response was what are we gonna do pray or something. her response was why are you so uptight, I told her that i am one of the first people of the parking lot, i am back home and in bed by 10 am......Seriously, why is the woman trying to get me to stay after church, not only that and wait on the pastor, that means after he shakes hands, kiss babies and fellowship with the congregation----UGH!!! NO!! I just tell her that I will come back another time. So she takes my number and i leave. Now you'll know I am through, Tuesday i am gonna go to new member orientation and see what this is about let the lady know i am here, i ain't joining nothing i just want to come to Sunday service and bible study and i have set a goal to attend 7 a.m Sunday School (that's gonna hurt) but the up side is that I will have a parking spot if i can do that.
I have been visiting the same church since I moved back to the Capitol City. Which has been about 2 months now. I go to bible study on Tuesday and church on Sunday (depending on the day i may got to the 5 o'clock service as well). Now I have been in church all my life, I know Jesus as my personal Saviour, I believed that he was born of a virgin, walked the earth teaching and preach, was crucified and resurrected. I also know the "business" of the church and how church people can be. I have been that overly active/passionate person and i know how church people can hurt your feelings and steal your passion and joy. So with that being said, yesterday I decided i was going to join this church. I knew I wasn't gonna do it when the "open the doors of the church" I just wanted to stop by let them know i wanted to be a member give them my contact info and be done. yes i know this is a very nontraditional approach but hey I figure i am old enough to determine how I am going to experience church and I want strictly teaching and preaching and i will contributed when i can. i ain't joining no ministry, i ain't joining no committee, i ain't coming to no meeting, i ain't volunteering for nothing. I just want to work on me, i want to be taught the word of God and i want to learn with treasures the bible holds....that's it. Now with that being said if you need something call me if i can do i will if i can't i will tell you. but i ain't coming to a meeting for you to discuss who is gonna bring what and do XYZ, just call me and say Sister Freespeech we need 3 cases of water for the kids lock-in on Friday and my response will be I can't help you this time or I will drop off 1-3 cases Friday during my lunch break, BUT a whole meeting to discuss who bring what and doing what I WILL PASS.
Well anyway I decide to stop by the church (unannounced) to see if i can join church. When i get there the church secretary (I guess that's who she was) comes to the door. I say "Can I join church?" She says you don't want to do it on Sunday? my soliloquy- now if i was in need of true salvation, i didn't know the Lord and be out in the street running a muck, do you really want to turn me away and suggest i come back on SUNDAY????I think not. So I shake my head no and she says have you ever attended the church. now most people would have been offended by this statement but i wasn't cause i keep to myself i slide in and i slide out. church starts at 8 a.m. and i am usually home and out of my clothes in my bed and on my way to deep comma like state by 10 am. I am usually on e of the first people to leave the parking lot on Sunday. I respond yes I have been visiting since i moved back here in March. Then she says well I am not sure if you can do that do you have minute to wait, cause the Pastor has someone in his office. I say sure I have time. So i wait and then she comes back and hands me a new member's form to fill out (okay now we are getting somewhere) and then she says you may have to meet with a Deacon...I am looking real crazy and thinking WHY???? so then she tells me that i have to attend new member orientation...once again i am looking crazy and thinking WHY??? So i ask her how long the classes are she says it four sessions and she comes back with the booklet, i then ask her is it like New Christian class or New member. She says new member so that you can become familiar with the church and what we do..now i am thinking hell if you'll are doing anything unGodly or against the Bible you need to tell me now, i have been here for the past two months and everything seems to be on the up and up, i mean what if i attend this class if you guys are doing something i don' t like can i change my mind? then she says the classes are about 10 mins after Sunday service (so here she goes trying to get me to stay after church) so i give her the crazy look again and she says well or you can come on Tuesday at 6 before bible study, so i am thinking now if its 4 classes in 10 minutes i think i can kill this in one class and cover all 4 sessions in an hour. So then she says have you ever been to Bible Study i tell her yes...now at some point she asks me my name and says that name sounds familiar probably cause i just paid my tithes and my check has my port city addy, she then as me if i know some people in the port city i tell her yes and so i wait. Okay in addition to being unfriendly and anti-social i am impatient. But because I just showed up i knew i wouldn't be seen right away but 45 mins later i couldn't take it (i was trying to give it an hour but i couldn't do it cause in my mind i just wanted my name on the "church roll" and be done with it. I didn't have to introduce myself to the Pastor (cause you know i have been avoiding him for the past two months) this was to be effortless, a little paperwork, a hand shake and I'm out. so I tell the secretary that i am leaving and that i can come back another day, she response you can just catch him after church and you can meet with him and a deacon, my response was what are we gonna do pray or something. her response was why are you so uptight, I told her that i am one of the first people of the parking lot, i am back home and in bed by 10 am......Seriously, why is the woman trying to get me to stay after church, not only that and wait on the pastor, that means after he shakes hands, kiss babies and fellowship with the congregation----UGH!!! NO!! I just tell her that I will come back another time. So she takes my number and i leave. Now you'll know I am through, Tuesday i am gonna go to new member orientation and see what this is about let the lady know i am here, i ain't joining nothing i just want to come to Sunday service and bible study and i have set a goal to attend 7 a.m Sunday School (that's gonna hurt) but the up side is that I will have a parking spot if i can do that.
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