Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Staying on the straight and narrow

Okay so yesterday I had the day off and I just didn't feel like blogging, but you all didn't miss anything from this thing I call my life. What did I do on my off day. I got up and took my dad to work and we ate breakfast together. Then I went to the Elementary school where I am doing Jr. Achievement this week, followed by a stop by the office ( you know I couldn't stay away) I stayed about 2 hrs., which is good for me. I then went home ate a bowl of cereal and got in the bed and had a delicious nap. I then got up, cleaned up and went through my closets and drawers and took out things that I can't wear or haven't worn and put them in a stack. Then I went to pick my dad up from work and dropped him off at the house and then I went to the gym. I did abs and cardio (now I haven't been back to class since like June maybe and my last day was boot camp day and guess what we had a mini boot camp when i came back that damn D). So then I came home, ate watched a little TV and bath and got ready for bed. I couldn't not have planned it better.

So today I wake up sore, my stomach, my arms, my back, my legs shit I am sore. But it feels good.

What I really want to talk about is my client that asked (kinda) me to dinner today. Now if want to know where the fine brothers are come to court, some are in orange, yellow and red. Some are in criminal court or domestic court (child support and divorce). Some are the police that come to testify or they work for the sheriff office. I must say I am surrounded by an abundance of fine black men. now I am just talking about the physical, now weather they are sane or not or have many other issues is a different question. Well I am representing this guy for Unauthorized Entry of an Inhabited Dwelling, what did he do he went to his girlfriends house and saw another man there, kicked in the door and got into a fight with the other guy who he says gave him a run for his money. I had been noticing him looking at me but I didn't pay him any mind. Well today I am talking to him about his case and he says "I guess asking you to dinner is out of the question as long as I am a convict." my response was "YES". Now besides it being unethical for me to date any of my clients while I represent him. I pose this question would it be so crazy to date somebody I have represented? Okay I have to go back to court but I will come back with my thoughts.

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