Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Just when I was about to go off....

Okay I guess this is as good as time as any to introduce you to LADY RAGE....she is an extension of me and she occasionally graces others with her presence about every four weeks and if she doesn't OH HELL....so needless to say I am hormonal, emotional and just not myself. Lady Rage has entered the building..

okay today was going okay, it started with me getting up early as hell and getting my car to the lube for an oil change. I also had a few errands to run and then i came home and watched a little TV before getting ready for work. I get a strange phone call, a number i didn't recognize thought maybe it was the lube telling me my car was ready. So i answer and i hear a strangely familiar voice say HEY!! so I say Hey back and we make small chat and I am like who is this and he says kwash, I'm like hey what been up. So who is kwash- this guy i meet with my realtor about 2 or 3 years ago, we were all just shooting the shit and making chit chat in the parking lot of Kinkos. Well so we all go our separate ways and one afternoon my realtor calls me in the middle of my nap and says kwash has been asking me about you and he wants me to give you this number to call him. So I do and we talk but its almost like, it was really weird when we talked cause it was almost like he didn't want to talk to me but he was being nice and I was thinking shit i was calling you to be nice cause my realtor said you had been asking about me. Whatever to we go back and forth talking, not talking, playing phone tag and what not. He works at a high school and one Friday night he invites me to a talent show that one of his "clubs" is sponsoring and so i go with my high school aged cousin I sit through this adolescent foolishness and was like okay I am out. NOW, I saw him when first came in, I had to pay FULL PRICE, and he said bye when I left WTF!!!! you invited me to this I have no business at anybodies high school talent show on a Friday nite. I after its over I am like what are you doing, he was like I am going to a birthday party i will catch up with you later.....once again WTF!!! So the next time I called him he was like who is this I was like Oh hell this shit is whack and I am out. So needless to say I had deleted his number from my phone and had no idea who he was when he called. So we make chit chat and he tells me he has taken the day off (from all 16 jobs, okay like 3 or 4) and ask me what I am doing today and around lunch. So he says he will call me around lunch. now something that really bothers me is when I have to tell people stuff over and over and over again. I have told this man on numerous occasions that i don't work for the DA's office, I am not a prosecutor but for some reason he can't get through his thick skull that I am a defense attorney and there is a different. Now this man went to morehouse, has a master from like Hampton and a PhD from some other HBCU and is an Omega. Now if I said he went to like Clark, got his master from Howard and went to Tulane for his PHD and heaven forbid I thought he was a Kappa or Alpha he would be so offended. so damn how hard is it to remember i am a defense attorney hell if its that complicated how about just say i am a lawyer. I told you'll lady rage was back. Well anyway I am in the mist of work and i look up and its 12:20 and I haven't heard from him, uh its lunch time and if you are gonna be a no show at least send a text. so i call him from work and like dude are we doing something for lunch no answer, then i call when i leaving to run errands and he answers and its like he had no idea who i was and was like let me call you back....I HATE PEOPLE WHO WASTE MY TIME AND PEOPLE WHO CANT PLAN WANT PLAN OR ACKNOWLEDGE THEY AREN'T PLANNERS CAUSE I AM.....thank goodness i brought my lunch because i would have been as hot as fish grease if i didn't bring my lunch and thought we were going and we didn't needless to say he has been deleted again (actually i just cleaned out my inbox, outbox and miss calls)

okay well i had to go see my periodontist and pay on my account I was prepared to write out a check and the lady goes let me fix something and change this and talk with your insurance company to see if you we can get a better payment from them so hold off on writing the check and lets see what happens.....OKAY!!!! just when my day was going back

LAST NIGHT: we had our singles ministry class which was in conjunction with the marriage enrichment class. Our assignment was to go see the Tyler Perry why did I get married movie. We talk about the different relationships and the problems in those relationships we talked about for the married why they got married and for the single why i want to be married and or me why i don't want to be married. It was really good and interesting and funny I one day i will do an in depth blog about why i don't want to be married, yeah right after i finish my blog on fear of men I haven't forgotten just haven felt like doing it

okay i guess i will go now

1 comment:

Serenity3-0 said...

One piece of advice. Omega = Do Not Call List! They are 90% of the time full of $hit! Ok carry along. LOL! Seriously, dude has showed his A$$ with you more than once. Now it's on you whether you will ALLOW this.