Wednesday, August 6, 2008

So I got my results

Ladies and Gentleman I am sad (actually not really) to announce that your girl has metabolic syndrome.
What is that you may ask according to Wikepedia it is "a combination of medical disorders that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It affects a great number of people, and prevalence increases with age"
What are the signs and symptoms well Wikepedia says " insulin resistance; High blood pressure;
Central obesity (also known as visceral, male-pattern or apple-shaped adiposity), overweight with fat deposits mainly around the waist; Decreased HDL cholesterol; Elevated triglycerides"

So what does this mean for the kid, well I have been given medication/prescription that is suppose to assist with my insulin resistance, and possible help me loose weight. I also been placed on a 1800 calorie diet, which along with the medication I will not be starting until the 14th. In addition to that i have to do at least three 30 minutes days of activity and I think with me doing an hour of belly dancing all I have to figure out is the other 30 minutes. I have to go back to check my "progress" in three months, yeah right before Thanksgiving. So we shall see.

So please bare with me if my next several blogs are about this lifestyle change I am going through. Or if for some reason I stop blogging that just means I lost all this weight and some MAN has swept me off my feet cause I am just to damn sexy for my blog......But hey one of my goals was to loose about 60 lbs, to get my BMI down and well what better reason to do than for you health/life.

Today is my last day of Dialogue on Race, I am gonna kinda miss that. But I think I am gonna have a enough to keep me busy coming up. Lets see (pulling out calendar) August is pretty busy start this new lifestyle change, my 30th birthday, I start training for to be a mentor/volunteer in a school. Then there is September, still teaching, start my mentoring, got to Houston for my BFF 30th birthday, go to Dallas for a wedding, go to Port City for my mom's birthday. So I think I will be busy for the next 2 months.

Lets see what else....I think other than that my life is pretty boring. Oh I am suppose to finally go see this Jazz singer that I have wanted to see all summer, my co-worker and I are going out Friday. So maybe that will be something worth blogging about. my other co-worker is having a party on Sunday. I don't think I will go but I did say I will consider it. These are my issues: first of all its an all white party. I think themed parties are lamed especially when it requires me to put for extra effort. Then its a party that is hosted by my co-worker who has invited a bunch of our colleagues, seriously I just ain't feeling'.

i just don't know


Not so Anonymous said...

I'll keep you in my prayers...You can definitely come out on the bright side of this thing. Tell me more about this belly dancing. Is this on tape or a class?? It sounds super fun while burning some pounds off.
Take care!

Freespeech22 said...

Thank you for your prayers. It is super fun I actually go to a "dance studio" and learn it. It started as a lesiure class at sponsored by the local university, but after I finished those 6 weeks I wanted to learn more. It is supper fun. I have only had 2 classes since I finished the beginners course so we will see.